GCN Circular 21031
GRB 170419A: LCO Observations
2017-04-24T18:49:16Z (8 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at UVI <antonino.cucchiara@uvi.edu>
A. Cucchiara, D. Morris (U. of Virgin Islands),
C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), and B. Gendre (U. of Virgin
Islands) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
"On April 19.71 UT (T_0 +3.6h) we began observing the
field of GRB 170419A (Sbarufatti et al. GCN #21013) using
the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Network 1m Sutherland facility.
We obtained a series of observations in R and I bands for a total
of 5 minutes on target in each filter.
We identified no optical counterpart within the Enhanced Swift-XRT
position (Goad et al. GCN #21015) at the following 3-sigma limits:
R > 20.9 mag
I > 20.8 mag
These values are calibrated against nearby USNO-B1 sources and
are not corrected for Galactic Extinction."