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GCN Circular 21535

LIGO/Virgo G298048: Nearby Galaxies in the Localization Volume using the updated sky map computed using LALInference
2017-08-18T02:48:50Z (8 years ago)
Mansi M. Kasliwal at Caltech <>
David O. Cook (Caltech), Angela Van Sistine (UW Milwaukee), Leo Singer
(NASA/GSFC), and M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech)

report on behalf of the GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching
Transients Happen) collaboration

We spatially cross-matched the LIGO/Virgo G298048 trigger with no
assumption on orientation (90% containment volume using
preliminary-LALInference.fits; LVC GCN 21527) with our Census of the Local
Universe (CLU; Cook et al. in prep) galaxy catalog and found 60 galaxies.
This catalog is a compilation of galaxies with existing redshifts from many
sources (e.g., NED, SDSS, etc) and new galaxies from a 3PI four-filter
narrow-band survey to look for redshifted Halpha emission out to 200 Mpc
with the Palomar Oschin 48-inch telescope. The narrow-band survey is
limited to a declination above -20 degrees, thus all galaxies within the
90% volume come from the compiled CLU catalog with no Halpha overlap.

We list here all 60 galaxies sorted by stellar mass (Mstar) for galaxies
whose location on the sky and distance falls in the 90% volume reported by
the BAYESTAR probability sky map (Singer et al. 2016). We also list the
dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) for galaxies with GALEX FUV
detections and a 'nan' for those with no detection.

In addition, we have compared these galaxies to those reported in our
original crossmatch (GCN #21519) and have found that 20 of these are new
galaxies. The new galaxies are marked by '*'.

We note that the host galaxy of the reported optical transient (GCNs
#21529, #21530, #21531) is NGC 4993. This galaxy was #3 on our original
list ranked by stellar mass (GCN #21519) and is #4 on the list below.

                 name_NED                    ra      dec    distmpc
logsfr_fuv logmstar dm_kin        P
----------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------
---------- -------- ------ ---------------
                                 NGC 5078 199.9582 -27.4102   29.51
nan    10.57  32.35  0.887513795025*
                                 NGC 4970 196.8906 -24.0086   46.50
nan    10.42  33.34  0.518705272027
                                 NGC 4830 194.3663 -19.6913   47.90
-1.419    10.41  33.40  0.858268936834
                                 NGC 4993 197.4487 -23.3839   41.66
nan    10.26  33.10   0.64123728367
                                 NGC 4968 196.7749 -23.6770   42.24
0.626    10.25  33.13  0.316464198585
                                  IC 4197 197.0180 -23.7969   43.24
nan    10.24  33.18  0.445236314135
                                  IC 4180 196.7354 -23.9171   42.46
-0.623    10.17  33.14  0.231620854391
                           MCG -04-31-042 198.5739 -26.5827   54.70
nan     9.98  33.69  0.895990447512*
                           ESO 508- G 033 199.0969 -26.5614   45.59
0.199     9.95  33.29  0.615247563764
                                  IC 4219 199.6239 -31.6309   52.19
-0.053     9.87  33.59  0.874563970341*
                                  IC 0874 199.7522 -27.6286   30.90
nan     9.85  32.45  0.789658618241*
                           ESO 508- G 010 196.9080 -23.5790   43.04
nan     9.51  33.17  0.481194307217
                  2MASX J13161781-2926415 199.0742 -29.4450   52.93
-1.230     9.40  33.62  0.784286018046*
                           ESO 575- G 053 196.2705 -22.3839   36.37
-0.856     9.33  32.80   0.36841088215
                                  IC 0879 199.9190 -27.4290   34.11
-0.673     9.27  32.66   0.81030188127*
                                 UGCA 331 197.6914 -23.8657   40.82
nan     9.17  33.05  0.643613070644
                     ESO 575- G 044 NED01 195.0910 -22.6947   35.60
nan     9.14  32.76  0.815693971686*
                           ESO 575- G 055 196.6663 -22.4561   44.49
-0.975     9.07  33.24  0.767149920359
                           ESO 508- G 003 196.6000 -24.1641   40.52
nan     9.06  33.04 0.0809646816159
                           ESO 508- G 019 197.4663 -24.2391   41.79
nan     8.98  33.11  0.390107508863
                           ESO 575- G 029 193.9986 -19.2691   45.21
nan     8.96  33.28  0.856267417303
                  2MASX J13073768-2356181 196.9071 -23.9384   49.73
nan     8.92  33.48  0.753012347515
                              2MFGC 10461 197.1774 -23.7756   41.39
nan     8.90  33.08  0.413936564291
                  2MASX J13061939-2258491 196.5805 -22.9804   41.51
-1.129     8.83  33.09  0.459238357582
                                 UGCA 327 196.9370 -22.8579   37.29
nan     8.81  32.86  0.610525424738
                           ESO 508- G 004 196.7177 -22.8405   41.37
-1.063     8.61  33.08  0.621228481694
                           ESO 508- G 014 197.1342 -23.3469   46.61
-1.525     8.60  33.34  0.753661507789
             GALEXASC J125811.97-210246.3 194.5501 -21.0461   43.89
-1.349     8.47  33.21  0.847953733375
                           ESO 444- G 033 201.5178 -32.1291   31.45
-1.169     8.46  32.49  0.873767002259*
             GALEXASC J130525.30-233008.8 196.3546 -23.5025   45.90
-1.011     8.43  33.31  0.440966168867
             GALEXASC J131109.37-280035.5 197.7891 -28.0099   28.84
nan     8.36  32.30  0.670375919006*
             GALEXASC J130707.37-240634.4 196.7822 -24.1104   41.50
nan     8.30  33.09  0.143978844705
                      6dF J1305235-233121 196.3478 -23.5224   41.71
nan     8.28  33.10   0.18957340774
             GALEXASC J130415.26-225251.3 196.0633 -22.8814   41.23
-1.577     8.20  33.08  0.246973097253
                      6dF J1309177-242256 197.3241 -24.3821   40.36
nan     8.12  33.03  0.267382395401
                                 UGCA 328 197.3298 -24.3866   41.03
nan     8.11  33.07  0.292373909456
                           ESO 443- G 079 197.5947 -27.9770   31.71
nan     8.10  32.51  0.740389521428*
                           ESO 508- G 035 199.4497 -26.9025   37.77
-1.526     8.02  32.89  0.600958568007
             GALEXASC J130918.58-242304.8 197.3286 -24.3846   39.81
nan     7.98  33.00  0.250629160585
             ABELL 1664_11:[PSE2006] 2506 196.8922 -23.8153   42.80
nan     7.93  33.16   0.37496420498
                              AM 1316-263 199.8900 -26.8027   32.03
-2.024     7.93  32.53  0.888395580501*
             GALEXASC J132218.16-300914.6 200.5747 -30.1544   34.12
-1.953     7.86  32.66  0.685502037779*
             GALEXASC J131426.62-271242.6 198.6106 -27.2120   29.32
-1.784     7.82  32.34  0.411085021807
                           ESO 508- G 039 199.6006 -27.4343   28.44
-1.682     7.72  32.27  0.841960065682
             ABELL 1664_13:[PSE2006] 1313 195.7757 -23.8657   22.93
nan     7.72  31.80   0.79106477475*
                           ESO 508- G 021 197.5043 -26.7119   29.71
-1.582     7.66  32.36  0.329579404218*
                           ESO 444- G 002 199.1892 -27.8856   23.46
-1.205     7.59  31.85  0.866962651084*
             GALEXASC J132014.00-300208.9 200.0584 -30.0363   22.70
-1.668     7.53  31.78  0.869946416036*
             GALEXASC J130430.75-241313.3 196.1277 -24.2201   20.54
-2.616     7.19  31.56  0.822744075967*
                WINGS J125701.38-172325.2 194.2558 -17.3903   26.13
nan     7.10  32.09    0.8626975064
             GALEXASC J131007.01-263546.5 197.5292 -26.5963   28.58
-1.915      nan  32.28  0.322783340928*
                                USGC S204 196.9600 -23.5400   41.72
nan      nan  33.10  0.471831679854
                                 UGCA 325 196.7796 -24.1119   42.70
nan      nan  33.15  0.198214466434
                                HDCE 0763 196.9733 -23.7569   43.09
nan      nan  33.17  0.429404174971
                                  ESO 508 197.1336 -23.6224   45.66
nan      nan  33.30  0.664939464108
             GALEXMSC J132152.52-312233.6 200.4688 -31.3781   30.87
nan      nan  32.45  0.724356348566*
                           [TSK2008] 0052 199.0736 -27.6878   29.69
nan      nan  32.36  0.593309320022
                              2MFGC 10484 197.4617 -24.2419   42.31
nan      nan  33.13  0.411745360516
                           ESO 444- G 004 199.2656 -31.5891   32.65
-1.507      nan  32.57  0.873219502269*
                           [TSK2008] 0073 197.7951 -23.5882   40.44
nan      nan  33.03  0.772082721414

* Galaxies not reported in the original CLU-LIGO crossmatch (GCN

The SFRs are derived from GALEX all sky kron FUV magnitudes via the
prescription of Murphy et al. (2011) and have been corrected for internal
dust extinction using a combination of GALEX FUV and 22um ALLWISE fluxes
(Hao et al. 2011). The quoted stellar masses are derived from 3.4um ALLWISE
fluxes and a mass-to-light ratio of 0.5 (McGaugh & Schombert et al. 2015).
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