GCN Circular 21535
LIGO/Virgo G298048: Nearby Galaxies in the Localization Volume using the updated sky map computed using LALInference
2017-08-18T02:48:50Z (8 years ago)
Mansi M. Kasliwal at Caltech <mansi@astro.caltech.edu>
David O. Cook (Caltech), Angela Van Sistine (UW Milwaukee), Leo Singer
(NASA/GSFC), and M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech)
report on behalf of the GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching
Transients Happen) collaboration
We spatially cross-matched the LIGO/Virgo G298048 trigger with no
assumption on orientation (90% containment volume using
preliminary-LALInference.fits; LVC GCN 21527) with our Census of the Local
Universe (CLU; Cook et al. in prep) galaxy catalog and found 60 galaxies.
This catalog is a compilation of galaxies with existing redshifts from many
sources (e.g., NED, SDSS, etc) and new galaxies from a 3PI four-filter
narrow-band survey to look for redshifted Halpha emission out to 200 Mpc
with the Palomar Oschin 48-inch telescope. The narrow-band survey is
limited to a declination above -20 degrees, thus all galaxies within the
90% volume come from the compiled CLU catalog with no Halpha overlap.
We list here all 60 galaxies sorted by stellar mass (Mstar) for galaxies
whose location on the sky and distance falls in the 90% volume reported by
the BAYESTAR probability sky map (Singer et al. 2016). We also list the
dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) for galaxies with GALEX FUV
detections and a 'nan' for those with no detection.
In addition, we have compared these galaxies to those reported in our
original crossmatch (GCN #21519) and have found that 20 of these are new
galaxies. The new galaxies are marked by '*'.
We note that the host galaxy of the reported optical transient (GCNs
#21529, #21530, #21531