GCN Circular 21650
LIGO/VIRGO G298048: VLA/JAGWAR observations of the CLU galaxies
2017-08-22T19:13:38Z (8 years ago)
Kunal Mooley at U of Oxford <kunal.mooley@physics.ox.ac.uk>
K. P. Mooley (Hintze Fellow, Oxford) and G. Hallinan (Caltech) report on
behalf of the JAGWAR team
We have initiated deep S band (2-4 GHz) observations of the potential
host galaxies of the GW event G29048 from the CLU list (Cook et al.
2017, LVC GCN 21535). The pointings, observed as part of the Jansky
Array mapping of GW bursts as Afterglows in Radio (JAGWAR) program, have
RMS noise between 10-20 uJy. The first observing epoch of NGC 4993 on
2017 Aug 20.93 shows no radio source at the location of SSS17a (Coulter
et al. 2017, LVC GCN 21529), with a 3sigma upper limit of ~40 uJy. We
will report any radio transients found through the LVC GCN system.
We thank the VLA staff for scheduling these observations.