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GCN Circular 2220

GRB030329: RTT150 optical observations
2003-05-09T14:50:05Z (21 years ago)
Irek Khamitov at TUG <>
I.Bikmaev (KSU), I. Khamitov (TUG);
N. Sakhibullin, V. Suleymanov (KSU);
R. Burenin, R. Sunyaev, D. Denissenko, M. Pavlinsky, O. Terekhov, A.
Tkachenko, M.Gilfanov (IKI);
Z. Aslan, O.Golbasi (TUG);
U. Kiziloglu, A. Alpar, A. Baykal (METU);
We continue observations of the GRB 030329 optical afterglow (Peterson
and Price, GCN 1985) with the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope RTT150
at TUG.� During the nights of May 3,4,7, 2003,� series of� 5 and 15 min
exposures with V-filter have been obtained under good photometric
conditions and average seeing of 1.3 arcsec.� ANDOR TE 2048 x 2048 CCD has
been used as the detector.
Results of OT�our photometry (based on Henden's list, GCN 2082 ), averaged
over for each�night,�are�as follow:
� Midtime� Vmag�� Verr Total Exp. sec
� 03.86UT� 21.40� 0.07 10200
� 04.86UT� 21.33� 0.07 11400
� 07.86UT� 21.60� 0.08��9300

Additional note:
Probably, a moved object was found in the vicinity of the OT. This object
was labeled as "O2" in Zharikov et al. (GCN 2171) and as "A" in� Blake and
Bloom (GCN 2011).
We integrated all the three night� observations into�one image and�
estimated the magnitudes of the sources� in the afterglow vicinity as
        V����� Verr
O1 (B) 23.0�� 0.2
O2 (A) 22.6�� 0.1
Using the coordinates of the reference stars�� from Henden's list� we have
determined the positions of OT� and O1, O2 as
     RA(2000.0) DEC(2000.0)
OT 10:44:49.958 21:31:17.50
O1 10:44:50.039 21:31:10.86
O2 10:44:49.373 21:31:15.02
The comparision of coordinates with those given by Blake and Bloom has
shown that position of the source "A" is different by 6 arcsec while� the�
the�position of the source "B" is in agreement �within� 0.5 arcsec 
positional error of Blake and Bloom.
We estimate the color of O2 as� V-R = 0.2,� and of O1 as V-R = 0.9
(R mag estimates are taken from Khamitov et al., GCN 2198)
Taking into account the�apparent magnitudes, color and considerable 
positional shift, we suppose that this is�an object nearer to the Sun. 
Additional observations are encouraged.�
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