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GCN Circular 23723

GRB 190114B: Liverpool Telescope near-IR observations
2019-01-15T18:31:09Z (6 years ago)
Luca Izzo at IAA-CSIC <>
M. Blazek, L. Izzo (HETH-IAA/CSIC) A. de Ugarte Postigo (DARK/NBI & HETH-IAA/CSIC), D. A. Kann, C. C. Thoene (HETH-IAA/CSIC) report:

We observed the field of GRB 190114B (Siegel et al. GCN 23686) with the IO:I camera mounted on the 2-m Liverpool Telescope located in La Palma, Spain. Observations started on January 15th at 02:51:47 UT (7.34 hours after the GRB trigger) and we obtained a series of 10x60s images in the H filter.

We detect the faint optical afterglow (Fernandez-Garcia et al. GCN 23694, Pozanenko et al. GCN 23696, Selsing et al. GCN 23713, Volnova et al., GCN 23722) for which we measure the following magnitude:

H(AB) = 20.35 +- 0.34 mag

The calibration was performed using four nearby 2MASS stars.
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