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GCN Circular 23760

GRB 190114C: MeerKAT radio observation
2019-01-19T21:03:10Z (6 years ago)
Alexander van der Horst at George Washington U <>
L. Tremou (CEA-Saclay), I. Heywood (Oxford/Rhodes), A.J. van der Horst
(GWU), S.D. Vergani (GEPI), P.A. Woudt (UCT), R.P. Fender (Oxford/UCT),
A. Horesh (HUJI), S. Passmoor and S. Goedhart (SARAO) report on behalf
of the ThunderKAT collaboration:

We observed the position of the GRB 190114C afterglow at 1.3 GHz with
the new MeerKAT radio telescope on January 15, from 18.25 to 20.74 UT,
i.e. 0.94 days after the burst (GCN 23688). We detect a radio source at
the position of the afterglow. The afterglow flux is uncertain due to
emission from the host galaxy, detected in a pre-GRB observation of the
field (MIGHTEE collaboration, private comm.). However, the flux level
indicates significant synchrotron self-absorption in the GHz range (GCN
23745). The two emission components will be disentangled with further
analysis and follow-up observations.

We would like to thank the staff at the South African Radio Astronomy
Observatory (SARAO) for scheduling and obtaining these observations.
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