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GCN Circular 24194

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: ZTF19aarzaod Imaging from Las Cumbres Observatory
2019-04-25T20:40:43Z (6 years ago)
Daichi Hiramatsu at Las Cumbres Observatory <>
Daichi Hiramatsu (LCO/UCSB), Iair Arcavi (Tel Aviv University), Jamison
Burke (LCO/UCSB), D. Andrew Howell (LCO/UCSB), Curtis McCully (LCO), Craig
Pellegrino (LCO/UCSB) on behalf of the Las Cumbres GW Follow-up

On 2019-04-25 19:21:09 UT we obtained two g-band images of the GW optical
counterpart candidate ZTF19aarzaod (Kasliwal et al. 2019, GCN 24191) with
the Las Cumbres Observatory 1m telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory
in Australia. We detect the candidate with a magnitude of g = 21.3��0.14
(using PSF fitting), consistent with the Tan et al. (2019, GCN 24193)
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