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GCN Circular 2424

GRB030329: radio observations at RT-22 (CrAO)
2003-10-20T16:06:19Z (21 years ago)
Vasilij Rumjantsev at CrAO <>
A.Volvach, I.Strepka (CrAO) on behalf of CrAO/IKI/SAO collaboration report:

We have observed the radio afterglow position (E.Berger et al,  GCN2014) of
GRB030329 (R. Vanderspek et al, GCN1997) in June 26  at 4.8GHz, in July 8 at
22GHz, and in September at 4.8 and 8GHz with 22-m radio telescope RT-22 of
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The radio source was detected at 22 GHz
and upper limits have been obtained for other frequencies. The flux
densities are:

Date,UT   Frequency  Duration    Flux density
            GHz         hrs           mJy
Jun. 26     4.8         2        21.0 (3 sigma upper limit)
Jul. 08     22          2         6.9 +-2.3
Sep. 23      8          2         9.0 (3 sigma)
Sep. 25     4.8         3         7.5 (3 sigma)

The sensitivity at 4.8 GHz was significantly improved in September with
introducing in operation a cryo-radiometer. In September we detected a
signal at 4.8 GHz, however the beam of RT-22 (12 arcmin) covers 3 sources
found in NVSS (Condon et al. 1998, AJ, 115, 1693).The upper limit of flux
density on Sep. 25 includes statistical errors and uncertainty of spectral
indices of the 3 sources.

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