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GCN Circular 24310

LIGO/Virgo S190426c: DDOTI/OAN Optical Observations
2019-04-27T23:52:48Z (6 years ago)
Alan M Watson at UNAM <>
Alan M. Watson (UNAM), Nat Butler (ASU), Eleonora Troja (GSFC/UMD), Rosa
L. Becerra (UNAM), Simone Dichiara (UMD), Diego Gonz��lez (UNAM),
Alexander Kutyrev (GSFC/UMD), William H. Lee (UNAM), Margarita Pereyra
(UNAM), and Tanner Wolfram (ASU) report:

We observed 8 fields of LIGO/Virgo S190426c (Chatterjee et al, GCN Circ.
24237) with the DDOTI/OAN wide-field imager at the Observatorio
Astron��mico Nacional on Sierra San Pedro M��rtir
( on the night of 2019-04-27 UTC. Some
fields were visited more than once. Each visit consisted of 1080 seconds
in the w filter. Our observations are listed below. Analysis is

Due to hardware problems (a failed CCD power supply and a jammed
focuser), we only observed with only four of the six telescopes and
obtained about 48 square degrees at each visit rather than the full 72
square degrees.

We thank the staff of the Observatorio Astron��mico Nacional in San Pedro

Start (UTC)       RA and Dec (J2000)
2019-04-27 06:03  21:40:22.6 +85:17:25
2019-04-27 06:33  21:40:22.6 +85:17:25
2019-04-27 07:00  21:40:22.6 +85:17:25
2019-04-27 07:26  20:50:51.8 +63:40:00
2019-04-27 07:53  20:50:51.8 +63:40:00
2019-04-27 08:20  20:25:31.7 +47:46:54
2019-04-27 08:47  20:16:56.0 +39:52:13
2019-04-27 09:13  20:36:33.3 +56:11:28
2019-04-27 09:40  19:59:21.3 +24:29:14
2019-04-27 10:07  20:05:19.9 +31:51:18
2019-04-27 10:34  21:40:22.6 +85:17:25
2019-04-27 11:01  23:55:06.2 +83:59:48
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