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GCN Circular 24312

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Potential host galaxy of UVOT candidate counterpart found in BLISS
2019-04-28T00:13:42Z (6 years ago)
Antonella Palmese at Fermilab <>
A. Palmese (Fermilab), M. Soares-Santos (Brandeis U.), L. Santana-Silva (OV/UFRJ), A. Drlica-Wagner (Fermilab), K. Herner (Fermilab), R. Morgan (U Wisconsin-Madison)

We searched for previous observations at the position of the UVOT candidate (Breeveld et al. GCN Circ. 24296) in archival DECam data which we have compiled and processed as part of the Blanco Images of the Southern Sky (BLISS) project (PIs: Soares-Santos, Drlica-Wagner). The candidate was identified as part of the counterpart search for the LVC event S190425z (LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration GCN (Circ. 24168).

We find a faint object <1 arcsec away from the UVOT candidate. Visual inspection suggests it is a galaxy. Its AB magnitude is  r=22.95+-0.096 (MAG_AUTO) at position (J2000):
RA 255.57996 deg
Dec -12.48536 deg
We suggest to observe this object in other bands or spectroscopically to assess its origin and redshift.
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