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GCN Circular 24900

GRB 190627A: NUTTelA-TAO optical counterpart observations
2019-06-28T17:31:25Z (6 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
A. Pozanenko (IKI), A. Volnova (IKI), M. Krugov (AFIF),  I. Reva (AFIF), 
P. Minaev (IKI), B. Grossan (ECL), E. Mazaeva  (IKI)  report on behalf 
of larger GRB IKI FuN collaboration:

We observed the the optical afterglow (e.g. Sonbas  al., GCN  24888; 
Siegel al., GCN  24889) with CDK700 telescope (NUTTelA-TAO project) of 
Assy-Turgen observatory starting on June 28  (UT) 15:30:37  in R-filter. 
    We clearly detect the optical afterglow (Sonbas  al., GCN  24888; 
Siegel al., GCN  24889).
Preliminary photometry of the afterglow is following.

Date       UT start   t-T0       Filter Exp.   OT   Err.
                       (mid, days)        (s)

2019-06-28 15:30:37   1.18332     R     20*60  19.6 0.16

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1  (R2) stars.

We encourage  spectroscopic observations to determine redshift and 
nature of the burst.
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