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GCN Circular 2902

GRB 041223: Detection of Optical Transient with LCO40
2004-12-24T07:31:22Z (20 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <>
E. Berger (Carnegie Observatories), W. Krzeminski and M. Hamuy (Las
Campanas Observatory) report:

"We imaged the 7-arcmin radius error circle of GRB 041223 (GCN 2898) with
the Swope 40-inch telescope at Las Campanas Observatory starting on
December 24.185 UT (14.4 hours after the burst) in r-band for a total of
20 minutes.  We find a new bright source not present in the DSS which is
located at (J2000):
        RA = 06:40:47.31
        DEC= -37:04:22.5

This object is located 22.5 arcsec away from the nominal position of the
X-ray counterpart detected with the XRT (GCN 2901), or about 1.5 times the
15-arcsec uncertainty radius.

Further analysis and observations are in progress"
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