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GCN Circular 2999

GRB 050128: near-infrared observations with REM
2005-01-28T22:31:10Z (20 years ago)
Stefano Covino at Brera Astronomical Observatory <>
S. Covino, P. Filliatre, P. D'Avanzo, L.A. Antonelli,  A. Melandri, V.
Testa, G. Chincarini, G.  Tagliaferri, F.M. Zerbi, G. Tosti, A.
Monfardini, M. Rodono', E. Molinari, F. Vitali, G. Cutispoto, L.
Nicastro, E. Palazzi, on behalf of the REM/ROSS team, report:

We imaged the field of GRB050128 (Antonelli, et al., GCN 2991) with the
60cm REM robotic telescope located in La Silla (Chile). Observations
were carried out in the V, R, I, z', J, H and K filters, starting on
2005 Jan 28, at 7:10 UT, and ending at 9:45 UT (approximately 3 hours
after the burst). Observations were carried out under good seeing
conditions (1"). Due to a technical problem only IR images have been

No new sources have been detected within the XRT error circle (GCN 2991)
down to a limiting magnitude of H>17 mag.

We note a source (H = 16.8+/-0.3 mag) at RA= 14:38:18.16,
DEC=-34:45:44.7 (J2000) at about 13 arcsec far from the XRT position. At
this position a very faint source, close to the detection limit, is
present in the optical DSS frame but it is not present in the Infrared
DSS frame which is deeper than our image.

Further observations are planned to look for any variability.

This message can be cited.

[GCN OPS NOTE(28jan05): Per author's request, the SUBJECT line has been
corrected to contain the proper GRB identification.]
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