GCN Circular 32791
GRB 221009A: Medicina Radio Telescope observations
2022-10-18T14:16:50Z (2 years ago)
Marco Marongiu at Ferrara U <marco.marongiu@unife.it>
M. Marongiu, E. Egron, A. Pellizzoni (INAF/OAC), S. Righini (INAF/IRA),
C. Guidorzi (UniFe), and S. Mulas (UniCa), report:
We observed GRB 221009A (Dichiara et al. GCN 32632) with the Medicina
Radio Telescope (www.radiotelescopes.inaf.it) through single-dish
imaging in X-band (central frequency 8.2 GHz, bandwidth 0.3 GHz) in two
time intervals: (1) 13:30-19:30 UTC on October 14, 2022 (4.97-5.22 days
after the burst), and (2) 11:30-19:30 UTC on October 17, 2022 (7.89-8.22
days after the burst).
In our analysis, at 5.1 days (after the burst) we detected a faint radio
emission at 8.2 GHz with a flux density of 26 +- 5 mJy at a position
consistent with the optical position (Dichiara et al., GCN 32632) and
the radio position (Laskar et al., GCN 32740, Laskar et al., GCN 32757).
We did not detect any significant signal with a 2-sigma upper limit of
20 mJy at 8.1 days.
We acknowledge the scheduler and the staff of the Medicina Radio
Telescope for approving and executing these observations.