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GCN Circular 3471

GRB 050525, infrared observations
2005-05-25T08:55:01Z (19 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
J. Rosenberg (CfA) and P. Garnavich (Notre Dame)

We imaged the field of GRB 050525 (Band et al. GCN 3466)
and the optical afterglow reported by Rykoff et al. (GCN 3465)
with the 1.2m telescope of the Fred Whipple Observatory
and Stelircam infrared imager. Imaging in J and K' began
on May 25.22 (UT). Quick reduction of the K' data shows
a new source not visible in the 2MASS K image at 18:32:32.61
+26:20:22 +/-1.0" (J2000) based on the USNO A-2.0 catalog.
This is in agreement with the position provided by 
Rykoff et al. (GCN 3468) and Torii & BenDaniel (GCN 3470)
given their quoted errors. The brightness is roughly K'=14.

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