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GCN Circular 3481

GRB 050525: BART optical observation
2005-05-25T18:21:49Z (20 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <>
Martin Jelinek (IAA CSIC Granada, Spain),
Petr Kubanek, Martin Nekola and Rene Hudec 
(ASU AV CR Ondrejov, Czech Republic)


The robotic telescope BART located at Astronomical Institute
in Ondrejov, Czech Republic, observed the errorbox of the
GRB050525 (Band et al. GCN 3466, Markwardt et al. GCN 3467,
Cummings et al. GCN 3469) with it's Wide-field camera. First
exposure started 18s after issuing the GCN alert (and 6m13s
after the GRB onset). Co-add of first ten minutes of
observation reveals the OT reported by Rykoff et al. (GCN
3468) at the detection limit of the image, which is V=15.5
according to our callibration made against GSC-1.2.
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