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GCN Circular 35049

GRB 231115A: Non-detection in low-latency of gravitational waves with LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA
2023-11-15T22:24:45Z (a year ago)
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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the KAGRA Collaboration report:

At the time of GRB 231115A, the LIGO Hanford Observatory (H1) was observing with a binary neutron star (BNS) merger average sensitive range of ~150 Mpc. The low-latency pipelines for compact binary mergers [1-4] were operational at the time of the GRB. No gravitational-wave candidates were found in a window of [-5, +1] seconds around GRB 231115A [5]. We find that H1 was sensitive to gravitational waves from both Fermi (GCN 35035) and INTEGRAL (GCN 35036, 35037) sky positions. An offline analysis will be performed to search for extremely weak gravitational-wave signals and determine exclusion limits.

[1] Tsukada et al. PRD 108, 043004 (2023) and Ewing et al. arXiv:2305.05625 (2023)
[2] Aubin et al. CQG 38, 095004 (2021)
[3] Dal Canton et al. ApJ 923, 254 (2021)
[4] Chu et al. PRD 105, 024023 (2022)
[5] Urban, A. L. 2016, Ph.D. Thesis and Piotrzkowski, B. J. 2022, Ph.D. Thesis 
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