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GCN Circular 35085

GRB231117A: AGILE/MCAL analysis
2023-11-17T16:47:51Z (a year ago)
Claudio Casentini at INAF-IAPS <>
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C. Casentini (INAF/IAPS), F. Verrecchia (SSDC, and INAF/OAR), P.W. Cattaneo (INFN Pavia), F. Longo (Univ. Trieste, and INFN Trieste), C. Pittori (SSDC, and INAF/OAR), M. Tavani (INAF/IAPS, and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), A. Argan, M. Cardillo, Y. Evangelista, L. Foffano, G. Piano (INAF/IAPS), L. Baroncelli, A. Bulgarelli, A. Ciabattoni, A. Di Piano, V. Fioretti (INAF/OAS-Bologna), G. Panebianco (Univ. Bologna - INAF/OAS Bologna), N. Parmiggiani (INAF/OAS-Bologna), F. Lucarelli (SSDC, and INAF/OAR),  M. Marisaldi (INAF/OAS-Bologna, and Bergen University), M. Pilia, A. Trois (INAF/OA-Cagliari),  A. Ursi (ASI and INAF/IAPS), I. Donnarumma, E. Menegoni (ASI),  A. Giuliani (INAF/IASF-Mi), F.  Cutrona (Univ. Milano Bicocca) and P. Tempesta (TeleSpazio)  report on behalf of the AGILE Team:

We carried out further analysis of the AGILE/MCAL data of GRB 231117A (GCNs #35071, #35072, #35073, #35074, #35075, #35076, #35079, #35080, #35081, #35082, #35083, #35084).

The burst released 415 counts in the detector in 0.14s, above a background rate of 532 Hz.

The spectral analysis shows a clear component up to 5 MeV.

The time-integrated spectrum of the burst can be fitted in the energy range 0.4-2.0 MeV with a power-law model with alpha = -2.3 (+/-0.2). The fit results in a reduced chi-squared of 1.204 (21 d.o.f.) and a fluence of 2.4e-06 erg/cm^2, in the energy range 0.4-10 MeV.

Additional analysis of AGILE data is in progress. Automatic MCAL GRB alert Notices can be found at:
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