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GCN Circular 35118

GRB 231117A: AKO Follow-Up Observation
2023-11-19T06:50:00Z (a year ago)
Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory M44 <>
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M. Odeh (Al-Khatim Observatory, AKO, operated by the International
Astronomical Center in Abu Dhabi, UAE) and N. Guessoum, D. Akl and I. Abdi
(American University of Sharjah, UAE) report:

As a follow-up to our first observation of GRB 231117A, performed on Nov.
17, 2023 (GCN 35084 <>), we again
observed the field with our 0.36m f/7.7 robotic telescope, on Nov. 18,
starting at 15:50 UT using an (Ic) filter.

We again detected a faint object at the same location of the source SDSS
J220933.34+133119.5 (PS1 ID = 124223323889577032), which is listed in the
Pan-STARRS catalogue with imag = 21.5, and in the SDSS catalogue with imag
= 20.9. The coordinates of the detected object are: R.A. (2000) =
22:09:33.36, Dec. (2000) = +13:31:20.1, which is consistent with the
coordinates of the candidate optical source reported by Yang et al. (GCN
35083 <>).

The following table summarizes the results of both nights using the Atlas
catalogue as a reference:
ObsTime (mid), T(Mid)–T(0), Exposure, Filter, Mag, RMS, Limiting Magnitude
2023-11-17 15:37:30Z, 12.6 h, 33x180s (stacked), Ic, 19.85, 0.20, 20.2
2023-11-18 15:50:06Z, 1.53 d, 40x180s (stacked), Ic, 19.78, 0.21, 20.4
The magnitudes are not corrected for galactic extinction.

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