GCN Circular 36136
GRB 240415A: Swift/UVOT Detection
2024-04-16T13:38:30Z (a year ago)
Mike Siegel at PSU/Swift MOC <mhs18@psu.edu>
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M. H. Siegel (PSU) and M. J. Moss (GSFC)
report on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team:
The Swift/UVOT began settled observations of the field of GRB 240415A
3309 s after the BAT trigger (Moss et al., GCN Circ. 36108). A source consistent
with the XRT position (Beardmore et al., GCN Circ. 36128) and the reported
optical transient (Pankov et al., GCN Circ. 36118, Moskvitin et al., GCN Circ. 36122,
Reguitti et al., GCN Circ. 36123, Schneider et al., GCN Circ. 36124, Aryan et al.,
GCN Circ. 36132) is detected in the initial UVOT exposures.
Preliminary detections and 3-sigma upper limits using the UVOT photometric system
(Breeveld et al. 2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1358, 373) for the early exposures are:
Filter T_start(s) T_stop(s) Exp(s) Mag
white 3877 4077 197 19.92 +/- 0.19
v 4287 4487 197 18.95 +/- 0.28
b 3672 3872 197 >19.2
u 3467 5040 332 18.96 +/- 0.18
w1 4698 4897 197 >19.3
m2 4492 4692 197 >19.1
w2 4083 4282 197 >19.5
The magnitudes in the table are not corrected for the Galactic extinction
due to the reddening of E(B-V) = 0.022 in the direction of the burst
(Schlegel et al. 1998).