GCN Circular 36297
LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed: ANU 2.3m followup of candidate counterparts
2024-04-25T01:50:51Z (10 months ago)
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C. Lidman, C. Wolf, C. Onken, L. Sun, S. Scott (ANU), K. Auchettl (U. Melbourne), S. Chang (Seoul National University), J. Cooke, A. Moller (Swinburne), D. Galloway (Monash), and L. Wen (UWA) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We report observations of the GW-MMADS sources AT2024hdr and AT2024hdl (GCN #36273) with the WiFES optical spectrograph on the ANU 2.3m telescope.
A weak source is visible near the reported location of AT2024hdl.
We report on the redshifts of the likely host galaxies.
| Source | Host Redshift | Comment
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| AT2024hdl | 0.0416 | Redshift based on weak emission line features
| AT2024hdr | 0.0659 | AGN features
The ANU 2.3m telescope is run by the Australian National University