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GCN Circular 36333

LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed: A transient discovered from Subaru/MOIRCS near-infrared observations by J-GEM Collaboration
2024-04-27T11:23:37Z (10 months ago)
Ichiro Takahashi at Tokyo Tech <>
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Ichiro Takahashi, Narikazu Higuchi, Mahito Sasada (Tokyo Tech), Tomoki Morokuma (ARC/Chitech), Nozomu Tominaga, Kenshi Yanagisawa, Ichi Tanaka, Michitoshi Yoshida (NAOJ), Kazuya Matsubayashi (U. of Tokyo), Hiroshi Akitaya (ARC/Chitech), Ryusei Hamada, Daisuke Suzuki (Osaka U), Hibiki Seki, Shigeaki Joshima, Haruna Hagio, Yoshiyuki Kubo (Tokyo Tech), Satoshi Honda, Jun Takahashi, Tomohito Ohshima (Univ. of Hyogo/NHAO), Koji Kawabata, Tatsuya Nakaoka (Hiroshima U.), Ryosuke Itoh (Ibara City), Mitsuru Kokubo, Natsuki Hayatsu, Hidekazu Hanayama (NAOJ), Takahiro Kanai, Yumiko Oasa (Saitama Univ.), Katsuhiro L. Murata, Kenta Taguchi, Kouji Ohta, Miho Kawabata, Keiichi Maeda (Kyoto U.), Takayoshi Kusune (Nagoya University), Yuu Niino (U. of Tokyo), Yuichiro Sekiguchi (Toho University), Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University), Yousuke Utsumi (SLAC) report on behalf of Japanese Collaboration for Gravitational-Wave Electro-Magnetic Follow-up (J-GEM) collaboration: 

We report a transient candidate discovered in Subaru/MOIRCS near-infrared (Y and Ks bands) observations (GCN 36265, 36302​​), in response to the gravitational wave event LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed (GCN 36236). The source was discovered in a Y-band image targeted for the galaxy GL080850-243120 on UT 2024-04-23. The same source was also marginally detected in the Ks-band image on the same night. No known minor planet was found in MPChecker. Assuming the association with GL080850-243120 (237 Mpc), the offset is about 39 kpc.

Name            RA2000      Dec2000           Filter     Mag (AB)
J-GEM24a        122.215846  -24.516465        Y          19.7

The source was not detected in our follow-up observations in Y and Ks bands on UT 2024-04-24 (GCN 36302​​, with limiting magnitudes of about 20 mag AB).

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