GCN Circular 37159
GRB 240809A : RAPAS follow-up observations
2024-08-12T21:51:25Z (7 months ago)
Edited On
2024-08-12T22:25:05Z (7 months ago)
Thierry Midavaine at GRANDMA <thierrymidavaine@sfr.fr>
Edited By
Leo P. Singer at NASA/GSFC <leo.p.singer@nasa.gov>
Web form
Thierry Midavaine on behalf of the RAPAS network reports (#1) :
P. Martinez and C. Latgé [1], M. Serrau [2] and A. Leroy [3] observed the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB240809A (Evans et al. GCN 37110 ; Want et al. GCN 37113) using [1] ADAGIO N 820mm telescope at Belesta Observatory (IAU A05) equiped with a Moravian CMOS camera, [2] SC 300mm telescope at Vidauban [A77] equiped with a QHYCCD CMOS camera and [3] SC 350mm telescope at Madagascar equiped with a ZWO ASI CMOS camera. [1] and [2] are equiped with the set of 3 RAPAS filters meeting the Gaia G, Gbp and Grp photometric bands. The FITS files are reduced with the Gaia photometric catalog in respective spectral bands.
The afterglow is detected RA(J2000) = 5h 50m 10.55s ; Dec(J2000) = -02d 19' 03.3" [1]
MJD (mid) Gaia filter band mag.(Gaia) RAPAS station
60531.66128 G 19.75 ± 0.14 [3]
60531.86667 Grp 20.48 ± 0.60 [1]
60531.86736 G 20.52 ± 0.47 [2]
60531.87778 Gbp 20.10 ± 0.32 [1]
60531.89444 G 20.58 ± 0.19 [1]
RAPAS ( https://proam-gemini.fr/rapas/ ) is a new ProAm collaboration funded by Paris Observatory, delivering to a network of french amateur observatories a set of 3 filters meeting the Gaia spectral bands. This network is dedicated to deliver data in the Gaia photometric system on selected astrophysical alerts by Astro-COLIBRI ( https://astro-colibri.com/ ) or from Gaia alerts.