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GCN Circular 37322

GRB 240825A: VLA detection
2024-08-28T16:53:27Z (6 months ago)
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C. Peña (University of Utah), T. Laskar (University of Utah), G. Schroeder (Northwestern University), K. D. Alexander (University of Arizona), C. Christy (University of Arizona), E. Berger (Harvard University), R. Chornock (UC Berkeley), W. Fong (Northwestern University), R. Margutti (UC Berkeley), and P. Schady (University of Bath) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

“We observed GRB 240825A (Gupta et al., GCN 37274) with the Very Large Array (VLA) at multiple frequencies beginning on 2024 August 27 at 07:10 UT (39.3 hours post burst). 

In preliminary analysis, we detect the radio counterpart (Laskar et al., GCN 37314) at 8.6 GHz with a flux density of F ~ 0.3mJy at the position:
RA(J2000) = 22:58:17.27 +/- 0.01”
Dec(J2000) = +01:01:36.78 +/- 0.02”

This is consistent with the X-ray position (Evans et al., GCN 37290), optical position (Gupta et al., GCN 37274; Jiang et al., GCN 37275; Dutton et al., GCN 37276; Odeh et al., GCN 37277; Li et al., GCN 37280; Evans et al., GCN 37290; Leonini et al., GCN 37291; Kuin et al., GCN 37296), and radio position (Laskar et al., GCN 37314). Further observations are planned. 

We thank the VLA staff for scheduling and executing these observations.”

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