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GCN Circular 37846

EP241021a: Optical counterpart observations with the Liverpool Telescope
2024-10-23T13:08:45Z (15 hours ago)
Wenxiong Li <>
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W. X. Li(NAOC), N. C. Sun (UCAS), J. Maund (ULRH), Y. N. Wang (NAOC) and K. Wiersema (Herts)
report the optical follow-up observations of the optical candidate counterpart to the fast X-ray transient EP241021a (Hu et al., GCN 37834, Fu et al., GCN 37840, Fu et al., GCN 37842, Li et al., GCN 37844, Ror et al., 37845).

Our observations were conducted on 2024 Oct. 23.0 UT (~1.8 days after EP detection) using the 2-meter Liverpool Telescope. The transient is detected in the images with
g = 22.2 +- 0.1
r = 21.9 + -0.1
Further follow-up observations are encouraged.
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