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GCN Circular 37989

GRB241030B: GRANDMA/TAROT Upper Limit
2024-10-30T22:54:02Z (4 months ago)
Cristina Andrade at UMN <>
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A. Klotz (IRAP), C. Andrade (UMN), S. Antier, I. Abdi (AUS), Y. Rajabov (UBAI), M. Masek (FZU), E. de Bruin (UMN), M. Boer; C. Limonta (OCA), S. Karpov (FZU), M. Coughlin (UMN), I. Tosta e Melo (UniCT-DFA), P. Hello, N. Leroy (IJCLAB), P-A Duverne (APC), T. Pradier (Unistra/IPHC), N. Guessoum (AUS), M. Tanasan (NARIT), K. Noysena (NARIT), D.Turpin (CEA-Saclay/Irfu), on behalf of the GRANDMA collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 241030B, detected by SWIFT (GCN 37981) and SVOM/ECLAIRs (GCN 37984), using TAROT, TCA at Calern and TRE at La Réunion observatories. Observations began 1 minute after T0 for TCA and 10 minutes after the trigger for TRE and both without a filter.

No afterglow candidate was detected the first min with an upper limit of 16.2 mag in r (5 sigma) and the first 15 min with an upper limit of 17.4 in r (5 sigma). It is consistent with Nanshan/HMT detection (GCN 37985), SAO RAS detection (GCN 37987) and AKO (GCN37986).

All the data have been reduced by a single data processing pipeline, STDPipe (Karpov et al., 2022). We use the SkyPortal application ( to monitor our observational campaign.

GRANDMA is a worldwide telescope network ( devoted to the observation of transients in the context of multi-messenger astrophysics (Antier et al. 2020 MNRAS 497, 5518). Kilonova-Catcher (KNC) is the citizen science program of GRANDMA (
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