GCN Circular 3806
GRB 050813: Non-fading of afterglow candidate
2005-08-15T02:00:21Z (20 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <eberger@ociw.edu>
Edo Berger and Mike Gladders (Carnegie Observatories) report:
"We imaged the field of GRB 050813 (GCN 3788) with IMACS on the
Magellan/Baade telescope on Aug 14.98 UT. Observations were obtained in
R-band under mostly clear but non-photometric conditions. In addition to
galaxies B and C we also detect an object at the position of the source
proposed as a possible afterglow by Bloom (GCN 3802). Since the object
has not faded away in over 14 hours (and in addition appears to be
extended) we consider it unlikely that this is the afterglow of GRB