GCN Circular 3829
GRB050820: Optical afterglow from P60
2005-08-20T07:15:30Z (20 years ago)
Derek Fox at PSU <dfox@astro.psu.edu>
Derek B. Fox (Penn State) and S. Bradley Cenko (Caltech) report on
behalf of a larger collaboration:
"We have observed the BAT/XRT localization region of GRB050820 (Swift
Trigger #151207) with the robotic Palomar 60-inch telescope (P60), in
a series of automated exposures beginning at 06:37 UT, approximately 3
minutes after the burst.
We identify a bright, new, variable point source within the XRT (and
BAT) localization region at coordinates:
R.A. 22:29:38.11, Dec +19:33:37.1 (J2000)
with coordinate uncertainty <0.5 arcsec relative to USNO-B1.0 catalog
astrometry. Photometry of the source relative to the USNO-B1.0
catalog indicates that in the R-band it brightens to a peak magnitude
of R~14.7 mag at 7 minutes after the burst and has decayed by 0.4 mag
at 12 minutes after the burst.
We therefore identify the source as the optical afterglow of