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GCN at AAS 245, Legacy Circulars Address Retirement. See news and announcements

GCN Circular 3865

GRB 050824 optical candidate
2005-08-25T00:12:45Z (19 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid <>
J. Gorosabel, V. Casanova, R. Garrido, A.J. Castro-Tirado, 
M. Jelinek, de Ugarte Postigo, (IAA-CSIC), report:

  We have carried out R-band observations starting at 23:49 UT
  (~37 min after the GRB) with the 1.5m OSN telescope. A visual 
  comparison  reveals an object placed at:
   RA(J2000) = 00:48:56.1
   DEC(J2000)= 22:36:32
  not present on the DSS. A finding chart will be shortly available

  The object has a magnitude of R~18. Further observations would
  be required to confirm whether the object is fading."
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