GCN Circular 39562
EP250302A: VLT near-infrared observations
2025-03-03T08:26:32Z (a month ago)
Rosa L. Becerra at Tor Vergata, Roma <rosa.becerra@roma2.infn.it>
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Rosa Becerra (U Rome), Yu-Han Yang (U Rome), Muskan Yadav (U Rome), Eleonora Troja (U Rome) report on behalf of the ERC BHianca team:
We observed the field of EP250302A (Dai et al., GCN 39556) with the HAWKI imager on the ESO VLT UT4 (Yepun). Observations began at T+14.1 h days and were carried out at an average airmass of about 1.9 in the J, H, and K filter.
We detect the optical counterpart (Zhu et al., GCN 39550; Busmann et al., GCN 39551; Leonini et al., GCN 39553; Wu et al., GCN 39555, Xin et al., GCN 39558) in all three filters
at a magnitude J~20 mag (Vega) calibrated using nearby stars in the 2MASS Catalogue.
We thank the staff at the VLT for the rapid execution of these observations.