GCN Circular 39778
EP250302a: VLA observations
2025-03-19T11:45:41Z (7 days ago)
Tao An at SHAO, CAS <antao@shao.ac.cn>
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Ailing Wang (IHEP), Tao An (SHAO), Cuiyuan Dai and Xiangyu Wang (NJU), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We report radio observations of EP250302a (GCN 39556) conducted with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) on 2025 March 15, UT02:17-03:38 (approximately T0+13 days after the initial trigger). Observations were carried out across three frequency bands (Ku/X/C bands). The preliminary results show 4-4.5 sigma detection at the position reported by X-ray and optical observations (e.g., GCN 39550, 39557). The image noise ranges from 6.4 to 10 microJy/beam. The source exhibits a relatively flat spectrum between 4 and 18 GHz. Follow-up VLA observations are planned to verify the detection and trace the flux density evolution.