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GCN Circular 4057

GRB 050925: Second Epoch WSRT Radio Observations
2005-10-02T13:52:58Z (19 years ago)
Alexander van der Horst at U of Amsterdam <>
A.J. van der Horst (University of Amsterdam) reports on behalf of a larger

"We reobserved the position of the short burst GRB 050925 at 4.9 GHz with
the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at Oct 1 14.66 UT to Oct 2 1.08
UT, i.e. 6.23 - 6.67 days after the burst (GCN 4034). No radio sources are
seen in the refined Swift-BAT error circle (GCN 4037) above a 3-sigma
level of 66 microJy. We measure a formal flux of 10 +/- 22 microJy at the
center of the error circle (GCN 4037). The bright radio source we reported
in GCN 4039, just outside this error circle, has a flux of 881 +/- 32
microJy; so this source did not vary significantly between ~0.43 and ~6.45

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