GCN Circular 4058
GRB051001: Swift UVOT Upper Limits
2005-10-02T18:56:50Z (19 years ago)
Caryl Gronwall at PSU/Swift-UVOT <caryl@astro.psu.edu>
F. Marshall(GSFC), A. Moretti (OAB), J. Nousek (PSU), W. Voges (MPE),
N. Gehrels (GSFC) report on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team.
The Swift/UVOT instrument began observing the field of the burst GRB051001
at 11:14:45 UT, 189 seconds after the BAT trigger (Moretti et al., GCN 4051).
Within the 6 arcsec radius XRT error circle (GCN 4051), no new optical/UV
source is detected. We derive the following 3-sigma upper limit magnitudes
on any optical/UV counterpart in the summed images in each UVOT filter
(from 6" radius apertures centered on the XRT location, which is
representative of the local background).
Filter T_range(sec) Exp(sec) 3-sig UL
V 189-289 100 18.9
V 189-11522 1189 20.1
B 335-6646 1077 21.2
U 321-5738 1106 21.0
UVW1 307-13221 952 20.9
UVW2 11530-12429 900 21.4
UVM2 6655-7435 780 21.5