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GCN Circular 4175

GRB051028: WHT optical candidate
2005-10-29T05:34:42Z (19 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <>
M. Jelinek, S.B.Pandey, S.S.Guziy, A.J.Castro-Tirado, J.
Gorosabel, A. de Ugarte Postigo, and S.  Vitek (IAA CSIC
Granada, Spain) and
J.T.A. De Jong, (Max Planck Intitut fuer Astronomie,
Heidelberg, Germany)


We have observed the complete errorbox of HETE trigger 3951
(Hurley et al, GCN 4172) with the prime focus camera of
William Herschel Telescope at La Palma starting 21:42UT (ie.
~7h after the GRB).

We detect an object within the XRT errorbox (Racusin et al,
GCN 4174) at coordinates RA 01:48:15.01 Dec 47:45:09.2 (+/-
1.0", J2000), with a rough magnitude R=22, which is not
present in DSS. Further observations will be needed to confirm
whether this is indeed the optical afrterglow of GRB051028.
The image limit is ~24.2.

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