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GCN Circular 4207

GRB 051103, optical observations
2005-11-07T18:14:59Z (19 years ago)
Sylvio Klose at TLS Tautenburg <>
S. Klose, P. Ferrero, D. A. Kann, B. Stecklum, and U. Laux,
Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg,


Tautenburg observed the error box of the short/hard GRB 051103
(Golenetskii et al. 2005, GCN 4197) on Nov 6/7 in R (23:15 UT - 23:59
UT) and V (00:01 UT - 0:44 UT) using the prime focus CCD camera.
These observations were motivated by the fact that we had imaged
M81 in June 2005 using the same instrumental setup and the same
filters. The combined R-band images of both runs go notably deeper
than the DSS2 red, the combined V-band images are of similar depth.

Following the suggestion by Lipunov et al. (GCN 4206), we have
analyzed if there is evidence for a brightening of the galaxy PGC
028505 in the GRB error box due to an underlying transient source. No
such evidence has been found. In addition, we set a conservative upper
limit of R=21 on any transient within a radius of 30 arcsec around
PGC 028505, excluding its bright bulge.

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