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GCN Circular 4266

GRB051103: Radio Observations
2005-11-12T00:01:27Z (19 years ago)
Patrick B. Cameron at Caltech <>
P. Brian Cameron (Caltech) and Dale A. Frail (NRAO) report on behalf of a 
larger collaboration:

"We observed the field of GRB 051103 (GCN 4197) with the Very Large Array 
(VLA) at a frequency of 1.4 GHz beginning November 6.3 UT. We imaged the 
entire IPN error region with three VLA pointings. We found no new sources 
to the limit of the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS, Condon et al., ApJS, 117, 
361). The rms noise varied from 0.5 mJy at the southern edge of the IPN 
error box, to 1.5 mJy at the northern end (due to residual flux from M82).

We also observed a 5-arcmin radius around M82 on November 8.45 UT at a 
frequency of 4.86 GHz. A comparison between this image and the the NVSS 
image of the same region did not reveal any new sources above 1.5 mJy 

No further observations are planned.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National 
Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated 
Universities, Inc."
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