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GCN Circular 4298

GRB051111: Rc optical observations
2005-11-22T16:12:18Z (19 years ago)
Graziella Pizzichini at IASF/CNR,Bologna <>
D. Nanni, (INAF/Osservatorio di Roma), F. Terra (Second
  University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , C. Bartolini, G. Greco,
  A. Guarnieri, A. Piccioni (Bologna University), R. Poggiani (Pisa
  University), A. De Blasi (INAF/Osservatorio di Bologna) and
  G. Pizzichini (INAF/IASF, Bologna) report:

  We observed the error box of  GRB051111 (Swift trigger 163438)
  with the 152 cm Loiano Telescope and the BFOSC camera system
  in poor sky conditions.
  We obtained the following images, all of them in the Rc filter,
  and detected the optical candidate first reported by Rujopakarn et
  al., GCN 4247 with the following magnitudes:

            Start time (UT)  Exposure   Mag
            051111 18:26:55    20      20.0 +- 0.2
            051111 19:31:51    20      20.5 +- 0.3
            051111 22:05:51    20      20.9 +- 0.5
            051111 22:27:31    20      20.9 +- 0.5
            051111 22:50:56    20      21.5 +- 0.8
            051111 23:12:35    20      20.9 +- 0.5

       The coadded images and the observation log will be posted in our
       public directory from where they can be retrieved by sftp using
       hostname:, username: publicGRB,
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