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GCN Circular 465

GRB 991216 Optical Observation
1999-12-17T04:39:08Z (25 years ago)
Jin Zhu at Beijing Obs <>
GRB 991216 Optical Observation

J. Zhu, on behalf of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory GRB team, report:

"A combined field of about 1.8 degrees in radius centered at the
BACODINE_FINAL_POSITION of GRB991216 (also given in GCN #463) was
observed with the BAO 60/90 cm Schmidt telescope starting from about
1 hour after the GRB event. For the observed 12 fields of each in 
f.o.v. of 58' X 58', 3 150-s exposures were taken in different epoch.
The limiting magnitude for combined images is expected to be fainter
than R=20, and will be checked when I arrive the observation site
this evening.

However, even for the quite large coverage, it's a pity that the later 
RXTE_PCA_POSITION of the GRB was out of the observed area.

We are planning to observe the RXTE_PCA_POSITION tonight with one 
58' X 58' fields in much longer exposure time from about Dec. 17.5 UT. 
Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to (with
a copy to for urgent message).

This report may be cited."

Jin Zhu                           | Tel.: +86-10-62759888, 62756612 (O)
Beijing Astronomical Observatory  |       +86-10-62579689 (H)
Chinese Academy of Sciences       |       +86-314-5054767 (Schmidt dome)
P. R. China                       | Fax : +86-10-62765031 or 64888731
email: or
WWW Home Page:
Pager: (only Sub. line) OR +86-10-64256688 PIN 82333
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