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GCN Circular 483

GRB 991216 Radio Observations
1999-12-18T04:44:39Z (25 years ago)
Greg Taylor at NRAO <>
G. B. Taylor (NRAO) and E. Berger (Caltech) report on behalf of a 
larger collaboration:

"Beginning on December 18.16 UT we observed the field containing the
bright BATSE burst GRB 991216 (Kippen et al. GCN 463) using the VLA at
8.5 GHz.  We detect a 938 +/- 60 microJy radio source coincident with
the optical transient reported by Uglesich et al. (GCN 472).  No other
radio sources are detected within 2 arcminutes above a 5sigma flux
density limit of 300 microJy.  The radio afterglow is at 
ra = 05h09m31.297s dec = +11d17'07.25" (equinox J2000) with a conservative
error of 0.1 arcsec in each coordinate.  Additional radio observations
with the VLA and VLBA are planned."

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