GCN Circular 5033
GRB 060428A: PROMPT Observations
2006-04-29T02:15:04Z (19 years ago)
Josh Haislip at U.North Carolina <haislip@physics.unc.edu>
J. Haislip, M. Nysewander, A. Foster, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, J. A.
Crain, K. Ivarsen, J. Kirschbrown, C. MacLeod, A. Trotter, and J. Carpenter
report on behalf of the UNC team of the FUN GRB Collaboration:
Skynet observed the localization of GRB 060428A (Mangano et al., GCN 5014)
with three of the 16-inch PROMPT telescopes at CTIO beginning 58 sec after
the burst (44 sec after notification) in Ug'r'i'z' (three simultaneously).
No new source is found to z' > 17.1 mag (3 sigma; 10 sec exposure) at 63
sec after the burst and z' > 19.1 (3 sigma; 4 x 40 sec exposures) at 5.3
min after the burst.
PROMPT is currently being built and commissioned.