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GCN Circular 5322

GRB 060714 : Liverpool Telescope Observations
2006-07-15T14:28:01Z (18 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <>
A. Melandri, N. Tanvir, C. Guidorzi on behalf of the 
 RoboNet collaboration report

 We imaged the field of GRB060714 (Krimm et al, GCN 5311) 
 with the 2-m Liverpool Telescope (La PAlme) and we acquired 
 2 sets of images in the r'-SDSS filter.

 We observed the possible afterglow candidate inside the XRT 
 error circle reported by Krimm et al. (GCN 5311) and Perri 
 et al. (GCN 5321), with the following magnitude

  dt(h)   T_exp(min)      Mag(r')

  6.97     25.0        20.56 +/- 0.10
  8.66     17.5        20.76 +/- 0.15
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