GCN Circular 5389
GRB 060801: XRT/SDSS Frame Offset and Refined XRT Position
2006-08-02T17:27:20Z (19 years ago)
Nat Butler at MIT/CSR <nrbutler@space.mit.edu>
N. Butler (UC Berkeley) reports:
We detect 12 X-ray sources with signal-to-noise ratio >3 with wavdetect
in the 25.3 ksec exposure XRT image of the short GRB 060108 field (Racusin
et al. 2006; GCN 5378). Six position matches with optical sources in SDSS
DR5 (see, sdss.org) give the following sizable frame shift:
dRA -4.29", dDec -0.70"; +/-0.73" (90% conf.)
and the refined position:
RA, Dec: 14 12 01.30 +16 58 54.4; +/- 1.1" (J2000, 90% conf.)
Our refined position is marginally consistent with the refined position
of the XRT team (Racusin et al. 2006; GCN 5382). The position is fully
consistent with that of optical source B and marginally consistent with
that of optical source D (Castro-Tirado et al. 2006; GCN 5384; Piranomonte
et al. 2006; GCN 5386). It is inconsistent with the source A and C positions.