GCN Circular 5472
GRB060825: BOOTES-IR optical observations
2006-08-25T05:24:44Z (19 years ago)
Antonio Deugarte at IAA-CSIC <deugarte@iaa.es>
A. de Ugarte Postigo, J.Gorosabel, M. Jelinek, R. Cunniffe,
S. Vitek, A.J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC Granada),P. Kubanek (ASU AV CR
Ondrejov & ISDC Versoix) and L. Sabau-Graziati (INTA Torrejon de
Ardoz, Madrid) report
Main text:
"The BOOTES-IR 0.6m telescope, located at IAA-CSIC Observatorio de
Sierra Nevada in Granada (Spain), observed the SWIFT error box for
GRB 060825 (Sato et al. GCNC 5471) starting at 03:26 UT in R-band.
We detect an object on the edge of the XRT error box at coordinates
R.A.= 01:12:29.58, Dec. = +55:47:43.8 (J2000) with estimated
uncertanity of 0.7 arcsec which might be present at the DSS2
A finding chart will be soon available at:
This message is quotable".
[GCN OPS NOTE(31aug06): Per author's request, "L.D. S-G" was changed
to "L. S-G".]