GCN Circular 5473
GRB 060825: P60 Observations
2006-08-25T06:27:32Z (19 years ago)
S. Bradley Cenko at Caltech <cenko@srl.caltech.edu>
S. B. Cenko (Caltech) and D. B. Fox (Penn State) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
We have imaged the field of GRB 060825 (Sato et al., GCN 5471) with the
automated Palomar 60-inch telescope. Images consisted of 6 x 180 s
exposures in the Kron R and Sloan i' filters taken at a mean epoch of
approximately August 25.2 UT (~ 2 hr after the burst).
We clearly detect the object identified by de Ugarte Postigo et al. (GCN
5472) in both filters. The object has a magnitude R ~ 21.2, I ~ 19.5 in
our images (measured with respect to the USNO-B catalog). However, as
noted already, the object appears to be present in the DSS2 red plates.
We find no other objects inside the XRT error circle, to a limiting
magnitude of approximately R > 22.0, I > 21.0. No values in this circular
have been corrected for the large Galactic extinction along the line of