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GCN Circular 549

GRB 000210: BATSE Observations
2000-02-13T21:43:06Z (25 years ago)
R. Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC <>
R. M. Kippen (University of Alabama in Huntsville) reports on behalf
of the BATSE GRB team:

GRB 000210 (GCN 540) occurred at a time when the BATSE on-board
trigger system was intensionally disabled.  However, the burst is
clearly detected at Feb 10.36396 UT in the continuous data with 
1.024 s resolution.  These data show the event consisted of a strong
pulse with T50 and T90 durations of 4.1 s and 12.3 s, respectively.
The burst's peak flux (50-300 keV; integrated over 1.024 s) and
fluence (>20 keV) are 29.9 photons cmE-2 sE-1 and 8.5 x 10E-5 erg
cmE-2, respectively---ranking it in the top 1% (3%) of the BATSE GRB
flux (fluence) distribution.  The spectral hardness is average for 
bursts of similar duration.  The BATSE burst location is consistent
with those measured by BeppoSAX (GCN 540) and IPN (SAX/Konus/Ulysses; 
GCN 543).  The lightcurve for this event is available at:

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