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GCN Circular 560

GRB000210, Radio Observations
2000-02-16T00:52:49Z (25 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <>
D. McConnell, R. Subrahmanyan, M.H. Wieringa, R.M. Wark (ATNF),
D. A. Frail (NRAO), E. Berger and S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) report:

"We obtained a 8.2 hour integration with the Australia Telescope
Compact Array (ATCA) on February 12.31 UT. In addition, shorter
integrations were obtained at 8.46 GHz with the Very Large Array on
February 10.99, Feb 14.90, Feb 15.03 UT. Both the ATCA and VLA imaged
a field that fully covers the 50-arcsecond error circle of the fading
NFI X-ray source, as reported by Costa et al. (GCN 553). There are no
radio sources in the NFI above a 4-sigma level on any of the four
days. The rms noise levels are 65 microJy (Feb. 10.99), 55 microJy
(Feb. 12.31), 35 microJy (Feb. 14.90), and 38 microJy (Feb. 15.03).
Adding together the data taken on February 14 and 15, we obtain an
upper limit of 55 microJy (2-sigma) for the flux density of any radio
afterglow at the position of the Chandra X-ray source (Garcia, Garmire
amd Piro GCN 548)."

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