GCN Circular 728
GRB000620, optical observations
2000-06-22T11:08:20Z (25 years ago)
Nicola Masetti at ITeSRE,CNR,Bologna <masetti@tesre.bo.cnr.it>
N. Masetti, E. Palazzi, E. Pian, F. Frontera (ITESRE, CNR, Bologna),
M. Tichy, J. Ticha (Klet Observatory), R. Hudec (ASU, Ondrejov) and
G. Gandolfi (IAS, CNR, Rome), on behalf of a larger collaboration,
"Unfiltered optical images of the field of GRB000620 (GCN #716), were
acquired on 2000 June 20.91 with the 0.57-meter telescope (+CCD camera
SBIG ST-8) of the Klet Observatory, Czech Republic, for a total exposure
time of 600 sec. The seeing was around 3 arcsec as the field can only be
observed at high airmass (~2.5) in this period.
No new or noticeable object down to a magnitude ~20 is detected inside
the BeppoSAX+IPN error box (GCNs #718, #723) when we compare our image
with the DSS-II Digital Sky Survey.".
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