GCN Circular 7637
GRB 080320 : Faulkes Telescope North Observations
2008-04-21T17:35:53Z (17 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <axm@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
A. Melandri (Liverpool JMU), A. Gomboc (Ljubljana), C. Guidorzi
(INAF-OAB), R.J. Smith, I.A. Steele, C.G. Mundell, D.F. Bersier, M.F.
Bode, M.J. Burgdorf, S. Kobayashi, C.J. Mottram (Liverpool JMU),
P. O'Brien, N. Bannister, N. Tanvir (U. Leicester) report on behalf of
larger GRB collaboration :
On 2008 March 20 (06:00:59UT) we observed the field of GRB 080320
(trigger=306858, Grupe et al. GCN 7473) with the Faulkes Telescope
North. Observations constited of 10x300s exposures acquired using the
SDSS-i' filter.
In our coadded frame we do not detect any source inside the refined XRT
error box (Goad et al. GCN 7479) or at the position of the faint infrared
afterglow reported by Tanvir et al. (GCN 7488) and Updike et al. (GCN
7491), down to the limiting magnitude reported below.
Telescope Filter DT_mean[min] Exposure(s) M_lim (3-sigma)
Faulkes North i' 108.4 3000 20.4