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GCN Circular 7715

GRB 080514B: SuperAGILE/IPN GRB Localization
2008-05-14T19:06:44Z (17 years ago)
Marco Feroci at IASF/INAF <>
M. Rapisarda, E. Costa, E. Del Monte, I. Donnarumma, Y. Evangelista, 
M. Feroci, I. Lapshov, F. Lazzarotto, L. Pacciani, P. Soffitta, 
(INAF/IASF Rome), A. Giuliani, S. Vercellone, A. Chen, S. Mereghetti, A. 
Pellizzoni, F. Perotti, F. Fornari, M. Fiorini, P. Caraveo
(INAF/IASF Milan), A. Bulgarelli, F. Gianotti, M. Trifoglio, 
G. Di Cocco, C. Labanti, F. Fuschino, M. Marisaldi, 
M. Galli, (INAF/IASF Bologna), M. Tavani, G. Pucella, F. D'Ammando, V. 
Vittorini, A. Argan, A. Trois (INAF/IASF Rome), G. Barbiellini, 
F. Longo (INFN Trieste), P. Cattaneo (INFN Pavia), P. Picozza, 
A. Morselli (INFN Roma-2), M. Prest, E. Vallazza (Universita` 
dell'Insubria), P. Lipari, D. Zanello (INFN Roma-1), and  P. Giommi, C. 
Pittori, B. Preger, F. Verrecchia (ASDC) and L. Salotti (ASI), 
on behalf of the AGILE Team, 

K. Hurley, 
on behalf of the Mars Odyssey team,

I. G. Mitrofanov, D. Golovin, M. L. Litvak, and A. B. Sanin,
on behalf of the HEND-Odyssey GRB team, and

W. Boynton, C. Fellows, K. Harshman, C. Shinohara and R. Starr, on
behalf of the GRS-Odyssey GRB team,


"SuperAGILE and AGILE/MCAL detected a gamma ray burst on 
May 14th, at 09:55:56 UT. The event was localized by SuperAGILE
at approximately 38 degrees off axis, in the one-dimensional portion of 
its field of view, thus providing a narrow and long error box. 
The narrow side is 6 arcmin wide, while the long side is approximately 40 
degrees wide. In the 20-60 keV energy range the event had a 10s duration, 
with a multi-peaked structure.

The same event was also detected by Mars Odyssey. The IPN was 
thus able to reduce the SuperAGILE error box to the 100 sq arcmin 
error box whose corners are given by the following 
coordinates (RA, Dec):

  322.962 (21h 31m 50.81s)       0.733  (0d 43m 59.69s)
  322.774 (21h 31m  5.74s)       0.667  (0d 40m  2.78s)
  322.867 (21h 31m 27.99s)       0.806  (0d 48m 21.16s)
  322.678 (21h 30m 42.80s)       0.740  (0d 44m 23.63s)

The centroid of the error box is at (RA, Dec)= (322.820, 0.737)
and the maximal distance between the box corners is 0.283 deg, 
that is 16.9 arcmin.

The event occurred in the field of view of the AGILE GRID.
A report on the AGILE/GRID data analysis will follow shortly.

We urge follow-up observations at all wavelengths."

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