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GCN Circular 783

GRB000210, Optical observations
2000-09-02T13:02:05Z (25 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid <>
J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copenhagen), J. Hjorth, B. L. Jensen (U. of Copenhagen),
J. P. U. Fynbo, A. O. Jaunsen (ESO), M. I. Andersen (U. of Oulu),
S. Holland (U. of Aarhus), and N. Lund (DSRI, Copenhagen) report: 

"We have carried out optical observations of the corrected Chandra X-ray  
position of GRB 000210 (Garcia et al., GCN #548) with the 1.54-m Danish 
Telescope at La Silla, as follows:

  Date (Aug. 2000 UT)   Filter    Exp.(s)  Seeing(")  
    22.293 - 22.411        R       7x900      2.2   
    23.226 - 23.290        R       5x900      2.3
    24.235 - 24.303        R       4x900      3.0   
    26.291 - 26.430        V       9x900      1.5
    27.213 - 27.236        I       2x900      1.4
    28.211 - 28.241        I       2x1200     1.4
    29.207 - 29.300        I       7x1200     1.1
    30.223 - 30.242        I       1200       1.1
    31.213 - 31.245        B       2x1200     1.5

The optical source coincident with the Chandra position (Gorosabel et al.,
GCN #545) is clearly detected in the co-added R, V and I-band images.
Astrometry based on the USNO-A2.0 catalogue yields for the object

    RA(J2000)  =  01h 59m 15.60s
    Dec(J2000) = -40d 39' 32.8"

with an uncertainty of +/- 1".  The position is consistent with the two 
updated Chandra positions derived by Garmire et al. (GCN #782).  A comparison 
of the co-added R-band image with the R-band image taken on Feb 11.03 - 11.08 
2000 UT (GCN #545) reveals a magnitude variation of 0.03 +/- 0.30 mag. 
Therefore, the object remains constant in brightness within the photometric  
errors.  We derive a preliminary magnitude of R = 23.5 +/- 0.2 for the 
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